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- I T ' S M A G I C
- Code by Andre Zschiegner
- Graphics by Dirk Heinrich
- Music by Mark Haldukat
- Text by Dave Moorman
- [NOTE:] This program does not return
- to LOADSTAR. AND -- this is a PAL
- program. You will see a number of
- strange things on the screen on an
- NTSC machine, including garbage text.
- Emulator folks will want to switch to
- PAL mode. This program loads only from
- Device 8.
- Protovision is producing an
- marketing some of the best new C-64
- games today. They recently released
- "It's Magic 2", and put the original
- "It's Magic" in public domain. While
- this clever, brilliantly executed
- "jump 'n' run" game is available off
- the Web, we put it on this issue for
- those who are not doing the internet.
- I have noticed two major
- differences between US/Canada C-64
- programs and Euro works. The first is
- that we on this side of the globe tend
- to be independent programmers. We have
- seen some terrific Demo groups from
- the US and Canada, but the majority of
- the games and puzzles published on
- LOADSTAR began and ended as one person
- sitting down and turning an idea into
- a reality.
- The European creations are mostly
- by groups -- where an artist, a
- musician, a coder, a game designer,
- and a leader work together to create
- top quality software. Is this a
- difference in culture or the
- geographical reality that we are quite
- spread out on this continent?
- The second difference, brought to
- my attention by Joerg Droege, is that
- we work in Basic and ML. "Too Basic,"
- Joerg says, "Where the screen is
- painted like with a lot of PRINT
- commands."
- Well, he is right. Our philosophy
- is Basic for the stuff that is either
- not essential, or could need a lot of
- tweaking. We then use ML when we need
- speed.
- Our European counterparts learn ML
- code and live in a world of ASSEM and
- hexadecimal! This could be the result
- of the Cracking Culture that evidently
- thrived during the 80's. The
- cleverness of the crack was not so
- evident, so promotional "demos" were
- added to the front of programs, with
- "bragz" and "greetz". These intros
- became increasingly complex, doing
- things that the C-64 should not be
- able to do. Later, the cracked program
- disappeared, leaving the stand-alone
- demo.
- ML is a strict school-marm! The
- Dudes and the Lamers were separated as
- deftly as a city street judges between
- the quick and the dead!
- And what can I say in defense of
- our lame-ish Basic w/ML programming
- style? We have a [lot] of unique and
- challenging puzzles and games that are
- touched by the genius of one creative
- person. These are works of art.
- We are still homesteaders and gun-
- slingers at heart. Our historic
- frontier involved wide open spaces (if
- one conveniently forgets the
- ethnicide, of course). So the American
- self-image is of the independent,
- rugged individual.
- Of course, it doesn't matter how
- many SUV's a fellow has in his garage.
- The frontier is closed and we are all
- glommed into huge conglomerates.
- Professional Software and IT
- Specialists work in teams to produce
- classy software. If we wanted to do
- [that], we would get a job!
- Where else can a person sit down
- with an $80 toy and create most
- anything out of whole thought (plus
- a subscription to LOADSTAR and a good
- MemMap, of course).
- Maybe Euro Dudes can take one of
- our 1600 unique ideas and do it
- better. Good! Let us see it!